Amphibienschutz Slideshow

Amphibian Conservation Fund

The alarming global decline of amphibian species prompted the zoo associations, zoos and private holder associations in the German-speaking region to engage actively in the conservation of this highly endangered group of animal species. The Amphibian Conservation Fund supports a range of activities including direct amphibian conservation and research projects, conservation breeding and reintroduction, capacity building, training and capacity building, habitat restoration, and education and awareness activities.

Stiftung Artenschutz (Species Conservation Foundation) holds the Amphibian Conservation Fund in trust for its funding partners and manages its allocation with the input of those partners.


Grant Call

The aim and purpose of the Amphibian Conservation Fund is the support of direct and indirect measures for amphibian conservation. This grant only supports projects that can demonstrate a positive effect on the conservation situation of threatened amphibian species.   

The Amphibian Conservation Fund targets threatened species of the categories Critically Endangered, Endangered und Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List. Other categories are acceptible if there is a demonstrable reason for concern or if surveys are necessary to clarify the conservation status of Data Deficient or Not Evaluated species.

The approach and work of Stiftung Artenschutz follows internationally recognised guidelines such as those of the IUCN and its Species Survival Commission.

The funding partners of the Amphibian Conservation Fund:


Our Projects:

You will find information about the projects that were supported by the Amphibian Conservation Fund since 2009 at our page "Ampihibian Conservation"